What is a “Modern Living Homesteader”?
When some people think about homesteading, they imagine living in an off-grid cabin at the base of a mountain. They imagine trapping for small game, boiling water over a fire for a weekly bath, and eschewing nearly all facets of regular life.
While that image might be enticing, exciting, and possibly a bit scary, few people are willing or able to make the changes necessary to live this kind of lifestyle. Moving far from a major city, a professional career, or internet access is a trade-off that has real disadvantages in today’s world.
Yet, the desire is there to: Live a life more in tune with nature. Produce all or part of one’s own food. Live more simply. Be more self-sufficient. Learn practical and useful skills. Get out of the work-buy-die cycle. Take control of our own lives.
Modern Living Homesteaders make this happen every day, by working a corporate job but coming home to gather eggs, weed their vegetable gardens, cook from scratch, and practice a variety of heritage skills, both outdoors and in. We live in both worlds- the hustle and bustle of the “real world” as well as the hard working, soul-soothing rhythm of the “old world”. It’s not always an easy balance- but it’s worth it!